Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pool Time!!

In my opinion, one of the greatest perks that come with living on a dude ranch, you know besides the horses, multitude of dirt piles to play in, everyone saying Hey Travis! when they see you, and the kitchen ladies always trying to feed you dessert is the POOL!

Travis had a whole entourage the other day accompany him to the pool including me (Danielle), Vanessa, Paige, Jace, Kirsten and Sabrina. We're doing OK on kicks but need to work over the water in the ears fear.

Waiting in the car for Paige...

....still waiting....

And we're off!

We got some new diving rings, goggles, and arm floaties so hopefully this helps! More pictures to come soon. :)

Sabrina and T-Ray catching some sun

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mama! Today I ate TEN WORMS!!!

Ok well not really, but after playing with worms this afternoon he was pretty stuck on the idea. :)

Today we walked around the workcamper circle looking for bugs, nothing too interesting but did find a couple of ant colonies and earth worms.

Everywhere we went I made sure we turned it into a race...

...We also took plenty of pictures of horses in the pastures...

... wondered why fish weren't biting cornless hooks ;), hitched a ride with George on the tractor,
and took Sir Charles for a walk.

We also might have made a few trips to the teepee. :)

We tried to watch Mama do Rodeo practice for a little while but after getting sprayed by mud that idea didn't last too long. Let's see what tomorrow has in store!

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Look Danielle I caught a fish! Please stop crying..."

Life lesson #45 Travis has taught me: be prepared.

It was a beautiful Thursday afternoon I thought it would be fun if we headed down to the trout pond to "fish." Now the ranch supplies old cane poles and kernels of corn for those interested in taking on the 6lb giants living in the pond. In my ever so clever thinking, I figured we didn't need to worry about actually catching anything with just an old rod and hook that you have to toss out manually, and that Travis would just have fun tossing the rod back and forth into the water.

Throwing kernels and fishin' lines

View from the pond, Travis actually took this picture :)

So after a couple of tosses, I feel a tug on the end of the pole, much to my dismay and Travis' excitement. We tug the flopping fish out of the water as I try every way possible to figure out how to get the hook out of the mouth without any pliers and not losing a finger in the process. Travis thinks the whole thing is hilarious while I'm shrieking as the fish is flopping out of my hands and trying not to cry. That's when he told me to stop crying. Hahaha. So our poor fish didn't make it and is making a great snack for whatever wildlife happens to come upon it in the woods. Travis thought the whole experience was great and begged to go fishing the rest of the week. However the next time I made sure to use gummy worms without a hook, much to Travis' disappointment. ;)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Summer is right around the corner

Summer is starting off with a bang, only a couple of more days/weeks and the bunkhouse will be crawling with activity. This blog will be a just a smidgen of the Travis antics I can catch throughout the day.

On Monday and Tuesday, Travis and I chased the dog around the bunkhouse, dressed in clothes from the back of my car, had a jump rope contest with Adam and drove around the ranch with my ski goggles on warning people of the cooties on the top floor of the bunkhouse. We'll see if people heeded his warning...

Chase me doggie!!!!

Jump Rope Marathon... then easily distracted

Until next time... ;)